
How to configure permissions for OpenAudioMc.

Understanding OpenAudioMc Permissions and Commands

In this section, we will explain the different types of permissions and commands available in OpenAudioMc.


OpenAudioMc permissions are fully configurable and can be customized to suit your needs. If you don't want to bother with permissions, you can give yourself OP or openaudiomc.* on BungeeCord, which will give you access to all permissions. Alternatively, you can dive into the specifics and customize permissions to your liking.

Command Permissions

OpenAudioMc has its own wildcard for all the command permissions (openaudiomc.commands.*), which will give you access to all admin commands. You can also choose to (dis)allow specific commands by using the following format: openaudiomc.commands.(sub command), where the sub command is the second argument in your OpenAudioMc command. For example, to use the command /oa region create, you need the permission openaudiomc.commands.region.

Speaker Permissions

OpenAudioMc also has specific permissions for speaker interactions. To allow all speaker interactions, you require the permission openaudiomc.speakers.*. The specific permissions for speakers are:
  • openaudiomc.speakers.create to place speakers
  • openaudiomc.speakers.destroy to destroy speakers
  • openaudiomc.speakers.manage to interact and edit speakers

We hope this explanation helps you understand the different types of permissions and commands available in OpenAudioMc. If you have any further questions or issues, please consult the official documentation or seek help from the OpenAudioMc community.
