
How to use OpenAudioMc Shows


With shows, you can make time coded shows. Our definition of a show is a list of cues, or scheduled events.

The major benefit about shows is that they are multithreaded. Meaning that in-game lag (TPS drops) will NOT affect or hinder the timing of your show to always keep it in sync with the audio.

So get started, make a show called demo

/openaudio show create demo

We now have a show called demo. We can start/stop it, but this won't really do anything, we need to add cues first. To do so, you first need to understand what a time code is. A time code is the amount of time from when the start command is executed. OpenAudioMc supports the following formats:

  • m resembles minutes: 1m = 1 minute, 1.5m = 1 minute and 30 seconds.
  • s resembles seconds: 1s = 1 second, 1.5s = 1 second and 50 milliseconds
  • ms resembles milliseconds: 1ms = 1 millisecond
  • t resembles ticks: 1t = 1 Minecraft tick, or 50 milliseconds
  • HH:mm:ss resembles HourHour:MinuteMinute:SecondSecond: 00:05:00 = 5 minutes

Supported trigger types and their format:

  • command: Executes a command though the console, all arguments will be joined to form the command, /openaudio show add demo 0s command say Hi there!
  • chat: Sends a chat message to everyone who fits a specific player selector (read selectors), the first argument is always the select, followed by the message. Example: /openaudio show add demo 0s chat @a[region=spawn] &7Welcome to spawn!
  • actionbar: Follows the same general format as the chat trigger, but displays the message in the actionbar instead of chat
  • your own feature: You can also add custom java show triggers with the API

For this demo, we are going to add two cues. One cue after 0 seconds, a cue after 1 second, and a cue after 1 minute. To add these cues, use the following commands:

/openaudio show add demo 0s command say I fire at the start
/openaudio show add demo 1s command say I fire after one second
/openaudio show add demo 1m command say I fire after one minute

The basic format here is:

/openaudio show add <show name> <timecode> <type> <data>

To get the status of a show, you can use:

/openaudio show info demo

To start or cancel:

/openaudio show <start/cancel> <showname>

You can also edit a show via a gui using:

/openaudio show gui <show name>

you can change the show state, scroll through cues and delete them from this GUI.


This permission is required to use the /oa show command

Default access level: op
